Conversion 'Therapy'

The untold story of Disabled Queers

When we talk about Gender and sexuality there is always one group, one very important group that is 99.99 per cent of the time left out or ignored. That group is the Disabled Community.

in particular, I will be focusing on the practice of ‘conversion therapy’ and I will view this topic from the disability angle and discuss the impacts that this so-called therapy has on those who are members of the LGBTQI+ community and are disabled.

Both sadly and predictably the government has not included any safeguards in the conversion practices prohibition legislation bill for those members of the LGBTQI+  community who are disabled. Those who are disabled one could argue are at higher risk of experiencing conversion practices/therapy as they could be more susceptible to coercion and to be coerced due to different factors or different disabilities.

There are some disabled queers who are on the autism spectrum and take part in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) which is a form of therapy backed up by science that helps improve peoples social skills and social communication.  But there is a risk those who practice ABA could try and change or alter their clients' sexuality which under the law as it is, would be legal.  Or in very extreme cases their family could take advantage of their underdeveloped social skills or social awareness and take them to someone who will try to alter their sexuality.

One area that has taken action to protect vulnerable individuals is, Washington DC who passed a law entitled “Conversion Therapy for Consumers Under a Conservatorship or Guardianship Amendment Act of 2018”

New Zealand must take similar action if it wishes to protect disabled Queer individuals and be a free and fair nation for all. Not Just the abled.



Images on slides 4,7 - Created by Author